Corporate Governance



We, as the manager of CICT (Manager), set the strategic direction of CICT Group and make recommendations to HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited, in its capacity as trustee of CICT (Trustee), on any investment or divestment opportunities for CICT and the enhancement of the assets of CICT in accordance with the stated investment strategy for CICT. The research, evaluation and analysis required for this purpose are coordinated and carried out by us as the Manager.

As the Manager, we have general powers of management over the assets of CICT. Our primary responsibility is to manage the assets and liabilities of CICT for the benefit of the Unitholders. We do this with a focus on generating rental income and enhancing asset value over time so as to maximise returns from the investments, and ultimately the distributions and total returns, to Unitholders.

Our other functions and responsibilities as the Manager include, but are not limited to:

  1. using our best endeavours to conduct CICT's business in a proper and efficient manner;
  2. preparing annual business plans for review by the directors of the Manager (Directors), including forecasts on revenue, net income, and capital expenditure, explanations on major variances to previous years' financial results, written commentaries on key issues and underlying assumptions on rental rates, operating expenses and any other relevant assumptions;
  3. ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations, including the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) (Listing Manual), the Code on Collective Investment Schemes (CIS Code) issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) (including Appendix 6 of the CIS Code (Property Funds Appendix)), the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (SFA), written directions, notices, codes and other guidelines that the MAS may issue from time to time, the tax rulings issued by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore on the taxation of CICT and Unitholders and the United Kingdom's Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 (as amended) (AIFMR);
  4. attending to all regular communications with Unitholders; and
  5. supervising the property managers of CICT which perform the day-to-day property management functions (including leasing, marketing, promotion, operations coordination and other property management activities) for CICT's properties.

The Manager also considers sustainability issues (including environmental and social factors) as part of its responsibilities. More detailed information on the Board statement, sustainability frameworks, policies, practices and performances, climate-related disclosures, and stakeholder engagements are provided on CICT's website at (Website) and in the Sustainability Report (SR) 2024 to be published in end-April 2025.

CICT, constituted as a trust, is externally managed by the Manager. The Manager appoints experienced and well-qualified personnel to run its day-to-day operations.

The Manager was appointed in accordance with the terms of the trust deed constituting CICT dated 29 October 2001 (as amended, varied or supplemented from time to time) (Trust Deed 1). The Trust Deed outlines certain circumstances under which the Manager can be removed, including by notice in writing given by the Trustee upon the occurrence of certain events, or by resolution passed by a simple majority of Unitholders present and voting at a meeting of Unitholders duly convened and held in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed.

The Manager is a wholly owned subsidiary of CLI which holds a significant unitholding interest in CICT. CLI is a leading global real asset manager, with a vested interest in the long-term performance of CICT. CLI's significant unitholding in CICT demonstrates its commitment to CICT and as a result, CLI's interest is aligned with that of other Unitholders. The Manager's association with CLI provides the following benefits, among other things, to CICT:

  1. strategic pipelines of property assets through, amongst others, CLI's access to the development capabilities of and pipeline investment opportunities from CapitaLand group's development arm;
  2. wider and better access to banking and capital markets on favourable terms;
  3. fund raising and treasury support; and
  4. access to a bench of experienced management talent.

A copy of the Trust Deed will be available for inspection at the registered office of the Manager during usual business hours. Prior appointment with the Manager is required. Please contact the Manager via email at

The Manager embraces the tenets of sound corporate governance, including accountability, transparency and sustainability. It is committed to enhancing longterm Unitholder value. The Board of Directors (Board) is responsible for setting the Manager's corporate governance standards and policies, which sets the tone at the top. This corporate governance report (Report) sets out the corporate governance practices for the financial year ended 31 December 2024 (FY 2024), benchmarked against the Code of Corporate Governance 2018 (Code).

Throughout FY 2024, the Manager has complied with the principles of corporate governance laid down by the Code and also, substantially, with the provisions underlying the principles of the Code. Where there are deviations from the provisions of the Code, appropriate explanations are provided in this Report. This Report also sets out additional policies and practices adopted by the Manager which are not provided in the Code. In FY 2024, CICT received multiple corporate governance, sustainability, and investor relations awards. Please refer to 2024 Highlights in Annual Report 2024 for more details.

Attendance Record of Meetings of Unitholders, Board and Board Committees in FY 2024 1

Non-Executive Directors' Remuneration Table for FY 2024