Whistleblowing Policy

A whistleblowing policy and other procedures are put in place to provide the Manager’s employees and parties who have dealings with the Manager with well defined, accessible and trusted channels to report suspected fraud, corruption, dishonest practices or other improprieties in the workplace, and for the independent investigation of any reported incidents and appropriate follow up action. The objective of this policy is to encourage the reporting of such matters so that employees or external parties making any reports in good faith will be able to do so with the confidence that they will be treated fairly and, to the extent possible, be protected from reprisal. The Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) reviews all whistleblowing complaints at its scheduled meetings. Independent, thorough investigation and appropriate follow up actions are taken. The outcome of each investigation is reported to the ARC. All employees of the Manager are informed of this policy which is made available on CapitaLand Group’s intranet and on this website.

Click here to view the Whistleblowing Policy.